If you are interested in the ELLeN project, the following projects and websites might also be of interest to you:
Netzwerk inklusiver Englischunterricht (A network of researchers and teacher educators interested in inclusive English language teaching)
ND_LL: Mailing list on Neurodiversity & Language Learning and Teaching
CIELL: Comics for Inclusive English Language Learning
schAUT: Schule und Autismus (A research project on identifying barriers autistic learners encounter at school)
V:InD:O:W: Virtual – Inclusive – Diversity focused – Open educational – Work modules
PartNet: Netzwerk Partizipative Gesundheitsforschung
SEN Toolkit: Materials for teacher education on topics of Special Educational Needs, including related to neurodiversity
Path2in: Lernpfade in die inklusive Pädagogik (Features interviews with different stakeholders in inclusive education)
Reading list on Neurodiversity and TEFL
Are you working on a project that might be of interest to the ELLeN community? Please share it with us! You can email us at ellen@em.uni-frankfurt.de.