…for anybody interested in neurodiversity

These three images represent key ideas of the ELLeN project.

People of different ages, sizes, disabilities, etc. are thinking about bikes. The text says: "One size fits all?"
In teaching English as a foreign language, does “One size fit all?” This is a key question the ELLeN project asks.

The picture includes a short alt text. For a more extensive image description, please click here.

Different people speaking. The speech bubbles include quotes from interviews EFL students conducted within the ELLeN project.
In the ELLeN project, students interviewed neurodivergent language learners and stakeholders in inclusive education. These are some of the things these experts shared with the students.

The picture includes a short alt text. For a more extensive image description, please click here.

A teacher sits in front of a group of students, reflecting on teaching.
A reflective habitus is important for teacher professionalization. But how can we foster a reflective habitus?

The picture includes a short alt text. For a more extensive image description, please click here.

All three images are also available as download in Dutch and in German:

ELLeN Logo
the letters "diriq" written artistically

Work by the ELLeN Group. Licenced under CC-BY-SA, with the exception of logos.

Artist: Diriq (dirk@driedee.be).

Want to learn more about the ELLeN project? Check out the ELLeN book, also available in an open access version (manuscript, English foreword, Flemish foreword)